LEGO Mindstorms EV3

Third Party IIC Input Device

The third party IIC input device is as an example the "HT-ANG-DEG" sensor.
Connection type of the sensor is defined as shown in tabel Detection Rules.

"Type/Mode" data could be read at startup from the "typedataXX.rcf" file (see Type 55).

V1.05 and newer:

"Type/Mode" data can be inserted in the "TypeData" table at run time using a byte code.
Once inserted the "Type/Mode" data is held until power off and is active also in "On Brick Apps" as "Port View".

Byte Code Support

V1.05 and newer:

opINPUT_DEVICE_SET_TYPEMODE (Check if Type/Mode is in the "TypeData" table)
opINPUT_DEVICE_INSERT_TYPE (Insert Type/Mode in the "TypeData" table)

Byte Code Example
Read Third Party IIC Input Device

V1.05 and newer:

Read Third Party IIC Input Device (V1.05)


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